YEMIG Hall of Fame
Every morning I am Live on my Facebook page offering a focus for your day, thought-provoking ideas to consider, and a community of wonderful people interested in connecting with each other and expanding their consciousness.
I call this segment “Your Early Morning Intuitive Guidance” or YEMIG.
I’ve put together the YEMIG Hall of Fame— a handful of YEMIG messages from the past that represent what our new paradigm for living is showing us . They also give you a sense of who I am and what I believe. So, as you feel called, give them a listen and see what comes to the surface for you.
If at any point you’re ready to dig deeper, I’m here. And you’re always welcome to join us live on Facebook first thing each morning.
In this video, you can tell I’m feeling passionate about compassion! I share about the importance of listening fully and really HEARING what another is saying. (And you get to see how HUMAN I am right in the beginning when I almost crash everyone to the floor!)
Remember Who You Are
In this video, I share not only a card, but a story from Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley which is really a creation story and, I hope, helps you see just how AMAZING you truly are!
Surrender Your Addictions
In this video, I share some thoughts for how to address anything you find yourself addicted to, whether it’s something we traditionally view as an addiction or anything we notice we’re just a little too wedded to.
Give and Receive Freely
In this video, I talk about how our perspective of either scarcity or abundance impacts giving and receiving.
In this video, I talk about different kinds of wisdom and guide us in some Breathwork and guided imagery around our third eye, the seat of wisdom.
Silver Lining
In this video, I talk about how our perceptions greatly influence our outcomes and how we, as the powerful beings we are, can choose to change our perceptions at any point.
Inner GPS
In this video, I share a chapter from one of my FAVORITE books, Tosha Silver’s Outrageous Openness. The chapter focuses on listening to our inner guidance even when it doesn’t make any sense logically. Get out of your head and into your heart!
Trust Your Intuition
In this video, in addition to sharing a card, I also share Albert Einstein’s quote about our rational mind being the faithful servant of our intuitive mind, but our culture having gotten it backward and honoring the rational mind and forgetting about the gift of the intuitive mind.
Baggage Begone!
In this video, I share about how we can begin to let go of our trauma stories and decide where we are going to go moving forward. “Who will you be without your trauma story?” and “What do you stand to lose when you release your trauma story?”
Forgive Yourself
In this video, I share how we can begin to treat ourselves more kindly, letting go of beating ourselves up for our human mistakes.
I hope you enjoyed watching some of these videos!
My hope is it gave you a sense of where I’m coming from and how I work with people one-to-one. To learn more about my holistic coaching offerings, check out the button below.