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The Nuance of Surrender
Even the dictionary defines surrender as “giving up completely”, along with other definitions of the word. That’s not how I see surrender…at least now.

Setting Goals 101
Do you have a veritable library of self-help books, yet continue to struggle with the same issues? Have you invested in expensive programs that promised to make a difference only to find yourself right back at square one?

Expansion In A Time of Contraction
It seems there’s so much fear, contraction, negativity, hatred, and suspicion in our world at present. How do we stay in expansion, positivity, and joy when surrounded by those opposing energies?

Life Purpose 101
“My goal is to become the person I need to be to create the success, freedom, and quality of life that I truly want.” Hal Elrod

Create the Good Life
I’ve been hearing a lot about people being dissatisfied and unfulfilled in their lives. But, often the comment they make is “no idea what to do to fix it”.

Value Your Own Opinions; Make Your Own Decisions
“Received opinions are the path of least resistance”. Deepak Chopra

Making Tough Choices
Those times when things are not coming together are often the prelude to periods of incredible growth in our lives.

Letting Go of Victimhood
Taking personally what happens to us sets us up to have deeper issues with feeling victimized by the actions and words of others.

Invest in Yourself!
When potential clients are seeking my services, they typically start with one of two questions. Either they ask, “How much do your services cost?” or they ask “What can you teach me?”