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The Opportunities in Difficulties
Have you ever had the experience of being thrown into an emergency and doing what had to be done to get through it, only to fall apart afterward?

Addressing a client’s question of “Why am I so resistant to doing my inner work?” She noted she had a negative visceral reaction whenever I mentioned doing guided imagery or Breathwork and that she tended to avoid doing her deeper work even though she knew how much better she felt when she did it.

The Nuance of Surrender
Even the dictionary defines surrender as “giving up completely”, along with other definitions of the word. That’s not how I see surrender…at least now.

Life Lessons Reiterated Walking in Deep Snow
We had about a foot of snowfall the other day, followed by another four inches the following day, with additional dustings here and there for good measure. Add that all up and those of us who are lacking on the vertical plane find ourselves up to our knees in the white stuff.

Expressing Your Truth When Others Disagree
This is about expressing the truth of who we are. But it seems, in current times, that we’ve lost much of our ability to not only express who we are, but to bear witness to whom others are, especially if they differ from us.

Setting Goals 101
Do you have a veritable library of self-help books, yet continue to struggle with the same issues? Have you invested in expensive programs that promised to make a difference only to find yourself right back at square one?

Why Not Getting Our Way Is SUCH a Good Thing for Growth
“Accept the lesson. When things don’t go our way, something more important to the growth of our soul is in the works.”

It’s Not Rejection; It’s Lack of Alignment!
There really is NO SUCH THING AS REJECTION! Now, before you think I’ve lost my good sense, let me explain what I mean by this.

Who You Are – Finding Your Self-Worth
“Only you can be the author of your own story” Deepak Chopra
This quote struck me as so important to our well-being, yet largely unheeded by most of us.

Life Purpose 101
“My goal is to become the person I need to be to create the success, freedom, and quality of life that I truly want.” Hal Elrod