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Empowerment Rising!

Many of us are very interested in experiencing the core shifts that energy work brings, yet struggle to find the resources, opportunities, or community that supports this higher vibrational level of work. Join Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum, America's Kick-Ass Coach and Psychologist, for a once-a-month, two-hour Zoom call where you'll be guided through various energy-based modalities around topics most people are keen to address.


February's Empowerment Rising Zoom call will be on Sunday, January 31st, at 1 p.m. Eastern/noon Central, because I accidentally double-booked myself for our usual date, thus we are doing it a week earlier than usual. Don't worry if you can't be on Live because the video will be sent out via e-mail, just like this one was, for those who've registered for the call.

The topic will be The Darkness Within. NOTE: After two years of doing Empowerment Rising, it's time for our fair energetic exchange to change. Beginning with February's event, your investment will be $29.


Register to Join Us in February

January 26

Full Moon Ceremony

February 9

New Moon Ceremony