Join us for a blending of Cosmic Design and Earth Walk! There is an East Indian concept of Satsang, which refers to people coming together based upon a shared truth to uplift and transform themselves. As we lift our vibration and move into 5D, the melding of spirit and matter, human and Divine will yield a cosmic unity of all.
We are being called now more than ever to get back to the natural rhythms of our world. Following the phases of the moon is one way to do that. From ancient times to today, many have viewed the New Moon as a time to embrace new awareness and paths in life and the Full Moon as a time to release all that no longer serves.
We are pleased to invite you to join us for a New Moon Ceremony online via Zoom on Tuesday, February 9th at 6:30 p.m. Eastern/ 5:30 p.m. Central. Our ceremony will include cacao, astrology, and energy work as tools for opening to the intentions set both for the Ceremony itself and for the weeks and months ahead.
For the virtual experience you will need: access to Zoom via Internet, your journal or a pad of paper and pen suitable for writing or drawing, a quiet place to be in Ceremony and prepared ceremonial grade cacao.
The Ceremony will include:
Ancient & Astrological Wisdom: shared by Kailean Welsh, Soul Guide. Like every living thing on the planet, your life shifts and moves in alignment with a cosmic cycle. The moon offers a consistent foundation to work with the natural flow of these living energies for personal growth and unfoldment. As we consciously move through the annual circle of life, each step is an invitation to gain insight, strength, and courage to step into our fullness and live our unique, evolving soul story.
Cacao/Gratitude ritual: You will be guided by Kathy McKernan, Elemental Living Guide, to embark on a journey that will open your heart and mind to the power of plant medicine. Ceremonial grade cacao is an ancient food, alive in spirit. Since ancient times, Cacao has been used in ceremonies to provide greater access to your intuition as well connection to Spirit. As a heart opener, you might notice a release of emotions and movement of stuck energy. Please have available your already-prepared ceremonial grade cacao. If you do not have your cacao yet, please have either pure water or an organic, non-caffeinated plant-based beverage. For information on purchasing cacao, please contact Kathy.
Energywork: led by Bonnie Nussbaum, psychologist and holistic coach, this portion of our ceremony will use tools such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Breathwork, guided imagery, PSYCH-K, and others to foster healing on many levels and prepare you for moving forward in your life in ways that feed your soul and enhance your mission here on Earth. The energywork will focus on grounding and anchoring the work previously done in the ceremony.
Join us on Tuesday, February 9th, 6:30 p.m. Eastern/5:30 p.m. Central and don’t worry if you can’t be on the Zoom Live! We will record this event and send it via email to all who register so you can view it at your convenience.
QUESTIONS: Contact Kathy at or 760-550-0419 or Bonnie at or 906-474-6696 or Kailean at or 608-637-6645.
Click the link to register: