Your Beliefs Can Make Your Dreams Come True
In honor of Christmas, I want to share some exerpts from Pamala Oslie’s AMAZING book, Make Your Dreams Come True. What follows are her words:
We have based most of our beliefs about life on “the facts” given to us by others. But can we trust “the facts” to give us an accurate version of reality? It used to be considered a fact that the earth was flat. It was also considered a fact that the earth was stationary and that the sun and other planets revolved around the earth. These widespread mass beliefs profoundly affected the way people perceived the universe and their place in it.
Eventually, when it was discovered that the earth was round and revolved around the sun, this discovery affected many other beliefs and “facts”. What was once seen as a fact was no longer accepted as true. There was a shift in perception, and with that shift came a new world of opportunities, possibilities, and freedom….
We have been taught that we are limited, physical beings who must live within certain “realistic” boundaries. But can we trust science or any generally accepted “facts” to give us a true picture of who we are?…What are the true limitations of the human body?…How often do we surpass the preconceived notions of what is possible in our own lives?…By what standards do we judge what is possible or impossible?….
We didn’t know there were microscopic creatures until the invention of the microscope. We were not aware of certain stars and planets in space until the invention of the telescope. We didn’t believe we could fly until we discovered the principles of aerodynamics. What else don’t we know because we haven’t understood certain principles or discovered more “facts”? What don’t we know about ourselves because we have not yet created the technology to reveal this information? What don’t we currently understand because we have not allowed our consciousness to expand, to dream, or to imagine the possibilities…? (highlighting added)
All too often we close our minds to so many things that we have not yet experienced, that we do not understand, or that cannot be proven by “experts”.
Each of us, at one time or another, has probably experienced fear and resistance to change…We feel safer and more secure within our protective and familiar boundaries….As we move into an expanded level of awareness, one of the challenges we will experience involves a new understanding of who we really are and what we are capable of doing….
Quantum physics tells us that we are fields of consciousness, energy, and information. There are waves of probabilities, but nothing is solid in this field. We are pure consciousness–pure energy in motion; we are not really physical at all!….
All of this may be difficult for some of us to accept because for centuries we have placed our trust in the mechanistic principles of classic physics and biology to explain our reality…There is no room in this world view for the concept of a soul, a human purpose, or an immortal aspect of life…
If you were alive when the first ocean explorers returned from their voyage and announced that the earth was round, would you refuse to believe them because you had no scientific proof? Would you be excited about the discovery, seeing it as an opportunity to go out and explore the New World for yourself? The people who chose to go beyond their limited perceptions in those days did so at the risk of losing their lives. You won’t risk your life if you go beyond your present beliefs, but you may change your life forever.
Are you willing to consider that the beliefs you have held about reality are merely beliefs about reality and not necessarily the truth? Are you ready to explore possibilities that exist beyond your currently held versions of reality? Just for a while, be willing to consider the possibility that you are creating all of your experiences in life. Challenge yourself to consider new possibilities. You can always go back to your familiar way of thinking.