Simplify Your Life
Having just experienced an epiphany by doing the exercises below, I wanted to share them with you in the hopes that you, too, will experience such a shift in your life. These tips come via Shelley Riutta. As simple as these tips are, the results can be profound. I intend to revisit these tips often as a sort of “autocorrect” for my life path. When I begin drifting off-course as we all do now and then, I believe these tips will reorient me quickly and easily. May you find a similar result for yourself in using Shelley’s tips!
3 Tips to Simplify Your Life
List your top 4 priorities in your life right now. Are your activities in alignment with these priorities?
List 10 things that are draining your energy in your life. Address one a week for the next 10 weeks. Notice the powerful shift in your energy just by doing this.
Ask yourself with each Activity “How can I make this easier and simpler?” This simple question can yield wonderful creative ideas to simplify things you need to do. Or better yet, ask yourself “Can this activity be eliminated completely?”
Taking even 10 minutes to jot down your answers to these 3 questions can very quickly get you moving in your desired direction again. I hope you enjoy this exercise and would love to hear from you about your results!