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Expansion In A Time of Contraction
It seems there’s so much fear, contraction, negativity, hatred, and suspicion in our world at present. How do we stay in expansion, positivity, and joy when surrounded by those opposing energies?
Why Not Getting Our Way Is SUCH a Good Thing for Growth
“Accept the lesson. When things don’t go our way, something more important to the growth of our soul is in the works.”
The Joy of “No”
Her mom mistakenly assumed the way to bond herself to her daughter was to grant her every wish. I’m not sure this child ever heard the word “no”.
Keep Daily Tasks Rooted in Big Picture Goals
Instead of keeping the daily goals squarely in service of the ultimate goal, I had been allowing those smaller goals to become an end unto themselves.
Balance the Opposites
The title was: Look beyond opposites to wholeness. It read “We live in a physical universe that consists of many opposites – light/dark, large/small, dry/wet, sun/moon, life/death, and hard/soft just to name a few.