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Cultivating Patience
I think one of the many lessons we’re learning right now is how far afield we’ve drifted with regard to what really matters. We’ve gotten very wrapped up in work, virtual lives, and more to the extreme detriment of our own well-being and the well-being of our planet.

Timed Breathing for Healing in Four Steps
A four-step process for using the breath for healing your mind, body, and spirit. As previously noted, we have an innate tendency to hold our breath or breathe shallowly when upset, anxious, afraid, or hurt.

Let Go of Worry and Focus on Your Mission
Thoughts of worry kept intruding about money. As we approach winter, business at the motel/retreat center has a natural cycle of declining visitors, thus lower revenue. Simultaneously, as the weather gets colder, the heating bills go up, along with the arrival of bills for snowplowing and the like.

Being the Real You
Being who we are really meant to be can be daunting. Even to figure out who we are meant to be can be a challenge.

A perspective on stress management
”A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience with a raised glass of water. Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, ‘half empty or half full?’…

Joy and Shame
I was feeling great, joyful, happy, then something bad happened and I crashed.

How Forgiveness Helps You
He listed nine steps to forgiveness which I am going to modify and present here. I hope you find them as helpful as I did:

Finally Loving Yourself: Body Acceptance
I’m astonished at the profound level of pain, loss, grief, dissatisfaction, self-loathing, and more that I’m confronting in those with whom I share this flyer. Equally surprising to me has been the number of men who are expressing interest in this topic.

Balance the Opposites
The title was: Look beyond opposites to wholeness. It read “We live in a physical universe that consists of many opposites – light/dark, large/small, dry/wet, sun/moon, life/death, and hard/soft just to name a few.

What’s in my way of healthy changes?
Struggling to make and keep desired changes in your life? Don’t think you’re the Lone Ranger on that one!