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The Perfect Storm
We’re currently in the middle of a Perfect Storm, including a pandemic, an impending solar eclipse, The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the Winter Solstice approaches, a new moon approaching and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, to mention a few of the current happenings.

Setting Goals 101
Do you have a veritable library of self-help books, yet continue to struggle with the same issues? Have you invested in expensive programs that promised to make a difference only to find yourself right back at square one?

Let Go of Worry and Focus on Your Mission
Thoughts of worry kept intruding about money. As we approach winter, business at the motel/retreat center has a natural cycle of declining visitors, thus lower revenue. Simultaneously, as the weather gets colder, the heating bills go up, along with the arrival of bills for snowplowing and the like.

Life Purpose 101
“My goal is to become the person I need to be to create the success, freedom, and quality of life that I truly want.” Hal Elrod

Create the Good Life
I’ve been hearing a lot about people being dissatisfied and unfulfilled in their lives. But, often the comment they make is “no idea what to do to fix it”.

Success With Serendipity!
I’ve experienced a flood of “serendipitous” events in my life and that has led to me thinking about how often serendipity shows up in our lives to let us now we’re heading the right direction. What is serendipity?

Revisit Your Passion to Tap Life Purpose!
I’ve talked in some of my previous blog posts about discovering your life purpose as a way to increase your daily satisfaction. Today I’m going to talk about passion as a cue to your life purpose.

Clearing Clutter from your Money Mindset
Write a list of 50 ways you can make money now. Take a few minutes to do the same for yourself and then keep reading.

The Struggle with Time
Ever notice how, when you are on your true path in life, you have enough time to get done what’s most important? And, have you also noticed that, when you’re not following your true path, time seems to be a very limited commodity?