The Tyranny of The Comfort Zone
(also known as the Zone of Stagnation)…
“I can’t do that! It would be way too uncomfortable!” How many times have you heard these or similar words uttered by someone who is on the cusp of change and greatness?
Americans so over-value comfort that we handicap ourselves right out of success that is readily attainable. We also attribute far more dire consequences to stepping out of our comfort zone than to staying in it. In my experience, the exact opposite is true. We pay a huge price for doing only what’s comfortable. We benefit greatly from stepping forward in faith, willing to experience temporary discomfort in order to grow and profit.
One framework that I’ve heard differentiates Balcony people from Basement people. Balcony people are those who are willing to risk leaving the Zone of Stagnation and experience the discomfort inherent in that. The view is far superior from the Balcony; oftentimes a panoramic view! However, it is also more exposed. Others can see our failures more clearly when we’re on the balcony. The basement, in contrast, appears safer because the perceived exposure is less.
What if we reframe success as achievable through a willingness to repeatedly experience temporary uneasiness? Ask yourself, “Am I willing to experience short-term discomfort in order to accomplish something I greatly desire?” When you answer yes, you can know you’re on the cusp of amazing experiences!