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It Takes A Village…
The crux of it was fear. Fear of becoming more visible to those I’m meant to serve, fear of criticism, fear of moving forward in life, fear of success, fear of failure…you name it, that fear was probably triggered for me yesterday.
Expansion In A Time of Contraction
It seems there’s so much fear, contraction, negativity, hatred, and suspicion in our world at present. How do we stay in expansion, positivity, and joy when surrounded by those opposing energies?
It’s Not Rejection; It’s Lack of Alignment!
There really is NO SUCH THING AS REJECTION! Now, before you think I’ve lost my good sense, let me explain what I mean by this.
Making Tough Choices
Those times when things are not coming together are often the prelude to periods of incredible growth in our lives.
Embracing Fear
Would you like an extremely useful tool for dealing with fear? So many of us get bogged down, stopped dead in our tracks, or turned away from our goal due to fear.
Money as Spiritual, not Profane
Almost everyone has heard the misquote of the Bible phrase, “Money is the root of all evil”. The correct quote is, “The love of money is the root of all evil”.
Crossing The Terror Barrier From Comfort Zone to Ideal Life
The trouble is, our Monkey Mind has no sense of proportion: everything is a big deal. So, at times, we have trouble assessing whether or not we should be afraid.”
Joy and Shame
I was feeling great, joyful, happy, then something bad happened and I crashed.
Finally Loving Yourself: Body Acceptance
I’m astonished at the profound level of pain, loss, grief, dissatisfaction, self-loathing, and more that I’m confronting in those with whom I share this flyer. Equally surprising to me has been the number of men who are expressing interest in this topic.