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Awesome Human Alert
Focus on what you DO want; not what you don’t want. With those words resounding in my head, I set off to come up with a way to use social media for good.

It Takes A Village…
The crux of it was fear. Fear of becoming more visible to those I’m meant to serve, fear of criticism, fear of moving forward in life, fear of success, fear of failure…you name it, that fear was probably triggered for me yesterday.

Benefits of Giving AND Receiving
Deepak Chopra said “The giver benefits as much as the receiver”. I love this quote for so many reasons!

gratitude, Gratitude, GRATITUDE!!
Today I was thinking about gratitude. The ability to feel thankful is something I personally had as a child, lost as a teen, and regained as a college student.

Pay It Forward
Today’s post is to encourage you to do a lot of little things for others. Rather than waiting around for the opportunity to do “the big save”, keep your eyes open for the chance to make a small, positive difference in someone’s life.

Growing Healthy Relationships
A recent blog post focused on John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, those signs that a relationship is in big trouble. This week, let’s focus on what Gottman has to say about relationships that are doing well.

Top Ways to Destroy Your Relationship
Today I want to share with you some awesome work by John Gottman who has spent the last 40+ years studying relationships, both healthy and unhealthy. Previous research had focused on unhealthy relationships and predictability of divorce was dismal from that previous research.

Sharing Energy With Others
I’ve been feeling energetic shifts in myself, my loved ones, my clients, and strangers even. Some of those energy shifts are empowering; some of them are draining or evoke sadness or fear. So I took some think time to ponder energy.