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Who Do I Need To Be To Have What I Want?
“Why doesn’t anything EVER work out for me??!” I pondered this lamentation from a client who was struggling with the break-up of a relationship. She had also gone through a couple of jobs in the time I’d worked with her. I empathized with how out of control, victimized, and downtrodden she was feeling.
Expansion In A Time of Contraction
It seems there’s so much fear, contraction, negativity, hatred, and suspicion in our world at present. How do we stay in expansion, positivity, and joy when surrounded by those opposing energies?
A Discussion on Faith
She’s made great strides on letting go of having to control every detail, but, on this particular day was needing some support and guidance to allow the unfolding. Below is her e-mail and my response. Hopefully there’s something in here that YOU need to remember today:
Why Not Getting Our Way Is SUCH a Good Thing for Growth
“Accept the lesson. When things don’t go our way, something more important to the growth of our soul is in the works.”
It’s Not Rejection; It’s Lack of Alignment!
There really is NO SUCH THING AS REJECTION! Now, before you think I’ve lost my good sense, let me explain what I mean by this.
Who You Are – Finding Your Self-Worth
“Only you can be the author of your own story” Deepak Chopra
This quote struck me as so important to our well-being, yet largely unheeded by most of us.
Why Having a Coach is Vital to Your Success
We all like to believe we’re capable of running 100% of our existence by ourselves, yet it is painfully obvious that we don’t know what we don’t know.
Empower yourself to end victimization
How to empower yourself to end your own victimization, regardless of the situation. That sounds like a pretty lofty goal, right?
Law of Divine Compensation and Abundance
Having been raised in a blue collar family, some of the negative beliefs I soaked up that were limiting my abundance included:
“You have to work hard for everything you get”
Life Purpose 101
“My goal is to become the person I need to be to create the success, freedom, and quality of life that I truly want.” Hal Elrod