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Meet the Page
It feels like no accident that on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the following words downloaded themselves to me to share with you. Words are POWERFUL! They hold the ability to change everything. We are greatly in need of words (and deeds!) to change our reality as we navigate through the upleveling we’re experiencing.
Elevate your Communications, Part 3
I left you last month with the tantalizing idea that our ego creates many of our communication difficulties and we can step out of that ego self so as to focus on differentiating needs from strategies as a way to improve communication, so let’s do just that!
Ten Commandments of Excellent Customer Service
Recently I was reading the quarterly newsletter of the guys who repair my car, Holschuh Collision Center. It’s the only newsletter I look forward to receiving because it contains a great mix of informative articles, humor, and tips.
Help Your Goals and Dreams Come True!
I have a really cool tool I want to share with all of you today! This is a worksheet I use in my coaching and counseling sessions with people who are wanting to create a big shift in their lives, but don’t quite know what it will be like when that goal is accomplished.
Communication 101
Some interesting glitches in communication have been manifesting lately and I’m choosing to view that as a prime opportunity to share about those to help all of us build better communication with others.
Growing Healthy Relationships
A recent blog post focused on John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, those signs that a relationship is in big trouble. This week, let’s focus on what Gottman has to say about relationships that are doing well.
Top Ways to Destroy Your Relationship
Today I want to share with you some awesome work by John Gottman who has spent the last 40+ years studying relationships, both healthy and unhealthy. Previous research had focused on unhealthy relationships and predictability of divorce was dismal from that previous research.