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Timed Breathing for Healing in Four Steps
A four-step process for using the breath for healing your mind, body, and spirit. As previously noted, we have an innate tendency to hold our breath or breathe shallowly when upset, anxious, afraid, or hurt.
A Discussion on Faith
She’s made great strides on letting go of having to control every detail, but, on this particular day was needing some support and guidance to allow the unfolding. Below is her e-mail and my response. Hopefully there’s something in here that YOU need to remember today:
It’s Not Rejection; It’s Lack of Alignment!
There really is NO SUCH THING AS REJECTION! Now, before you think I’ve lost my good sense, let me explain what I mean by this.
Who You Are – Finding Your Self-Worth
“Only you can be the author of your own story” Deepak Chopra
This quote struck me as so important to our well-being, yet largely unheeded by most of us.
Being the Real You
Being who we are really meant to be can be daunting. Even to figure out who we are meant to be can be a challenge.
Create the Good Life
I’ve been hearing a lot about people being dissatisfied and unfulfilled in their lives. But, often the comment they make is “no idea what to do to fix it”.
What Story Are You Telling Yourself?
We are constantly writing story in our minds: what something means, what someone meant by something they said, who we really are and what we deserve. And this story we tell ourselves heavily influences our outcomes in life.
Letting Go of Victimhood
Taking personally what happens to us sets us up to have deeper issues with feeling victimized by the actions and words of others.
Embracing Fear
Would you like an extremely useful tool for dealing with fear? So many of us get bogged down, stopped dead in our tracks, or turned away from our goal due to fear.
How Forgiveness Helps You
He listed nine steps to forgiveness which I am going to modify and present here. I hope you find them as helpful as I did: