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Communication 101
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

Communication 101

Some interesting glitches in communication have been manifesting lately and I’m choosing to view that as a prime opportunity to share about those to help all of us build better communication with others.

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The Joy of “No”
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

The Joy of “No”

Her mom mistakenly assumed the way to bond herself to her daughter was to grant her every wish. I’m not sure this child ever heard the word “no”.

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Co-Dependency: Another cue
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

Co-Dependency: Another cue

We were discussing how she could know when she was struggling with co-dependency. She didn’t resonate with the typical list of symptoms, such as doing things for others to her own detriment, feeling responsible for others’ feelings, focusing more on others’ lives than on one’s own. Since these issues weren’t chiming for her, I tried another route.

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The Struggle with Time
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

The Struggle with Time

Ever notice how, when you are on your true path in life, you have enough time to get done what’s most important? And, have you also noticed that, when you’re not following your true path, time seems to be a very limited commodity?

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Joy of Self-Defeating Behavior
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

Joy of Self-Defeating Behavior

Why is it we roll merrily along for a period of time, treating ourselves well, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, doing the right things in general only to slip into a bout of self-defeating behavior of gargantuan proportions?

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The Flow of Life
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

The Flow of Life

Some very wise person once said “Row, row, row your boat GENTLY DOWN the stream”. NOT “paddle furiously to try to get back to where you were”

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