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Notes from Your Dark Night of the Soul
The growth out of that Dark Night was phenomenal, such that I was actually looking forward to more Dark Nights (well…maybe not giddy with anticipation, but certainly more willing to face them!).

Transforming “What Ifs” from Anxiety-Provoking to Possibility-Making
I’ve watched people torture themselves with “what-ifs”. They pose dire questions to themselves about upsetting things, then get mired in the anxiety those questions have provoked.

It Takes A Village…
The crux of it was fear. Fear of becoming more visible to those I’m meant to serve, fear of criticism, fear of moving forward in life, fear of success, fear of failure…you name it, that fear was probably triggered for me yesterday.

Setting Goals 101
Do you have a veritable library of self-help books, yet continue to struggle with the same issues? Have you invested in expensive programs that promised to make a difference only to find yourself right back at square one?

Let Go of Worry and Focus on Your Mission
Thoughts of worry kept intruding about money. As we approach winter, business at the motel/retreat center has a natural cycle of declining visitors, thus lower revenue. Simultaneously, as the weather gets colder, the heating bills go up, along with the arrival of bills for snowplowing and the like.

Who Do I Need To Be To Have What I Want?
“Why doesn’t anything EVER work out for me??!” I pondered this lamentation from a client who was struggling with the break-up of a relationship. She had also gone through a couple of jobs in the time I’d worked with her. I empathized with how out of control, victimized, and downtrodden she was feeling.

Expansion In A Time of Contraction
It seems there’s so much fear, contraction, negativity, hatred, and suspicion in our world at present. How do we stay in expansion, positivity, and joy when surrounded by those opposing energies?

A Discussion on Faith
She’s made great strides on letting go of having to control every detail, but, on this particular day was needing some support and guidance to allow the unfolding. Below is her e-mail and my response. Hopefully there’s something in here that YOU need to remember today:

Why Not Getting Our Way Is SUCH a Good Thing for Growth
“Accept the lesson. When things don’t go our way, something more important to the growth of our soul is in the works.”

It’s Not Rejection; It’s Lack of Alignment!
There really is NO SUCH THING AS REJECTION! Now, before you think I’ve lost my good sense, let me explain what I mean by this.