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Timed Breathing for Healing in Four Steps
A four-step process for using the breath for healing your mind, body, and spirit. As previously noted, we have an innate tendency to hold our breath or breathe shallowly when upset, anxious, afraid, or hurt.
Transforming “What Ifs” from Anxiety-Provoking to Possibility-Making
I’ve watched people torture themselves with “what-ifs”. They pose dire questions to themselves about upsetting things, then get mired in the anxiety those questions have provoked.
Communication 101
Some interesting glitches in communication have been manifesting lately and I’m choosing to view that as a prime opportunity to share about those to help all of us build better communication with others.
The Joy of “No”
Her mom mistakenly assumed the way to bond herself to her daughter was to grant her every wish. I’m not sure this child ever heard the word “no”.
The Struggle with Time
Ever notice how, when you are on your true path in life, you have enough time to get done what’s most important? And, have you also noticed that, when you’re not following your true path, time seems to be a very limited commodity?
Growing Healthy Relationships
A recent blog post focused on John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, those signs that a relationship is in big trouble. This week, let’s focus on what Gottman has to say about relationships that are doing well.
Top Ways to Destroy Your Relationship
Today I want to share with you some awesome work by John Gottman who has spent the last 40+ years studying relationships, both healthy and unhealthy. Previous research had focused on unhealthy relationships and predictability of divorce was dismal from that previous research.