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Elevate your Communications, Part 3
I left you last month with the tantalizing idea that our ego creates many of our communication difficulties and we can step out of that ego self so as to focus on differentiating needs from strategies as a way to improve communication, so let’s do just that!
Who Do I Need To Be To Have What I Want?
“Why doesn’t anything EVER work out for me??!” I pondered this lamentation from a client who was struggling with the break-up of a relationship. She had also gone through a couple of jobs in the time I’d worked with her. I empathized with how out of control, victimized, and downtrodden she was feeling.
Benefits of Giving AND Receiving
Deepak Chopra said “The giver benefits as much as the receiver”. I love this quote for so many reasons!
Being the Real You
Being who we are really meant to be can be daunting. Even to figure out who we are meant to be can be a challenge.
Communication 101
Some interesting glitches in communication have been manifesting lately and I’m choosing to view that as a prime opportunity to share about those to help all of us build better communication with others.
The Joy of “No”
Her mom mistakenly assumed the way to bond herself to her daughter was to grant her every wish. I’m not sure this child ever heard the word “no”.
Co-Dependency: Another cue
We were discussing how she could know when she was struggling with co-dependency. She didn’t resonate with the typical list of symptoms, such as doing things for others to her own detriment, feeling responsible for others’ feelings, focusing more on others’ lives than on one’s own. Since these issues weren’t chiming for her, I tried another route.
Joy and Shame
I was feeling great, joyful, happy, then something bad happened and I crashed.
Growing Healthy Relationships
A recent blog post focused on John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, those signs that a relationship is in big trouble. This week, let’s focus on what Gottman has to say about relationships that are doing well.
Top Ways to Destroy Your Relationship
Today I want to share with you some awesome work by John Gottman who has spent the last 40+ years studying relationships, both healthy and unhealthy. Previous research had focused on unhealthy relationships and predictability of divorce was dismal from that previous research.