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The Opportunities in Difficulties
Have you ever had the experience of being thrown into an emergency and doing what had to be done to get through it, only to fall apart afterward?

Addressing a client’s question of “Why am I so resistant to doing my inner work?” She noted she had a negative visceral reaction whenever I mentioned doing guided imagery or Breathwork and that she tended to avoid doing her deeper work even though she knew how much better she felt when she did it.

Elevate your Communications, Part 3
I left you last month with the tantalizing idea that our ego creates many of our communication difficulties and we can step out of that ego self so as to focus on differentiating needs from strategies as a way to improve communication, so let’s do just that!

Life Lessons Reiterated Walking in Deep Snow
We had about a foot of snowfall the other day, followed by another four inches the following day, with additional dustings here and there for good measure. Add that all up and those of us who are lacking on the vertical plane find ourselves up to our knees in the white stuff.

Making Tough Choices
Those times when things are not coming together are often the prelude to periods of incredible growth in our lives.

Crossing The Terror Barrier From Comfort Zone to Ideal Life
The trouble is, our Monkey Mind has no sense of proportion: everything is a big deal. So, at times, we have trouble assessing whether or not we should be afraid.”

Joy and Shame
I was feeling great, joyful, happy, then something bad happened and I crashed.

Finally Loving Yourself: Body Acceptance
I’m astonished at the profound level of pain, loss, grief, dissatisfaction, self-loathing, and more that I’m confronting in those with whom I share this flyer. Equally surprising to me has been the number of men who are expressing interest in this topic.

The Flow of Life
Some very wise person once said “Row, row, row your boat GENTLY DOWN the stream”. NOT “paddle furiously to try to get back to where you were”