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Addressing a client’s question of “Why am I so resistant to doing my inner work?” She noted she had a negative visceral reaction whenever I mentioned doing guided imagery or Breathwork and that she tended to avoid doing her deeper work even though she knew how much better she felt when she did it.

The Nuance of Surrender
Even the dictionary defines surrender as “giving up completely”, along with other definitions of the word. That’s not how I see surrender…at least now.

Why Not Getting Our Way Is SUCH a Good Thing for Growth
“Accept the lesson. When things don’t go our way, something more important to the growth of our soul is in the works.”

Value Your Own Opinions; Make Your Own Decisions
“Received opinions are the path of least resistance”. Deepak Chopra

Invest in Yourself!
When potential clients are seeking my services, they typically start with one of two questions. Either they ask, “How much do your services cost?” or they ask “What can you teach me?”

Help Your Goals and Dreams Come True!
I have a really cool tool I want to share with all of you today! This is a worksheet I use in my coaching and counseling sessions with people who are wanting to create a big shift in their lives, but don’t quite know what it will be like when that goal is accomplished.

Keep Daily Tasks Rooted in Big Picture Goals
Instead of keeping the daily goals squarely in service of the ultimate goal, I had been allowing those smaller goals to become an end unto themselves.

Finally Loving Yourself: Body Acceptance
I’m astonished at the profound level of pain, loss, grief, dissatisfaction, self-loathing, and more that I’m confronting in those with whom I share this flyer. Equally surprising to me has been the number of men who are expressing interest in this topic.

How to Refresh Your Vision and Mission in Life
A recent TUT…A Note from the Universe is the impetus for today’s blog post. The e-mail was about living your dreams, but the line that jumped off the screen and smacked me into awareness was the following: Die to yesterday’s illusions and be reborn to the truth of your vision.

What’s in my way of healthy changes?
Struggling to make and keep desired changes in your life? Don’t think you’re the Lone Ranger on that one!