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Finally Loving Yourself: Body Acceptance
I’m astonished at the profound level of pain, loss, grief, dissatisfaction, self-loathing, and more that I’m confronting in those with whom I share this flyer. Equally surprising to me has been the number of men who are expressing interest in this topic.
How to Refresh Your Vision and Mission in Life
A recent TUT…A Note from the Universe is the impetus for today’s blog post. The e-mail was about living your dreams, but the line that jumped off the screen and smacked me into awareness was the following: Die to yesterday’s illusions and be reborn to the truth of your vision.
Balance the Opposites
The title was: Look beyond opposites to wholeness. It read “We live in a physical universe that consists of many opposites – light/dark, large/small, dry/wet, sun/moon, life/death, and hard/soft just to name a few.
Creativity: Time Without Screens
My kids would explain that I, the mean mom, would not allow any screens of any sort at the table. No phones, i-Pods, hand-held games, TV’s, whatever.
Lessons Learned From Impatience
Patience was never my strong suit. In fact, at one point, I considered getting a dog and naming her Patience so I’d have some.
Synchronicity’s Message
Sometimes things align in ways that take my breath away and other times in ways that make me laugh out loud! I like to think of synchronicity as the Higher Good’s way of sending me (and you!) a message we need to hear.
Illness as a Guide to Growth
This idea came from Shelley Riutta through the Global Association for Holistic Psychotherapy. She gave an enlightening description of two ways sickness may be a sign that you are on the cusp of personal growth and change.
Row Your Boat GENTLY Down Life’s Stream
My hope for this talk is to help you understand the differences between giving up, throwing in the towel, trying to jam that square peg in that round hole, quitting, turning it over to God, acquiescing, trying to force change, or surrendering.
Your Beliefs Can Make Your Dreams Come True
In honor of Christmas, I want to share some exerpts from Pamala Oslie’s AMAZING book, Make Your Dreams Come True. What follows are her words:
Making Failure Your Friend
The title of the interview was “On Making Failure Your Friend” and there were so many nuggets of gold, I was furiously taking notes to capture all of the “ahas” contained within.