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Elevate Your Communications, Part 1
As I was creating the content for this blog post, much of it initially focused on how to respond to various difficult situations that come up in communication, such as the other person choosing not to hear you, being combative, being silent. This was all going along swimmingly…until Spirit gave me the nudge to pull out a folder from a class I’d taken online a couple of years ago.

Cultivating Patience
I think one of the many lessons we’re learning right now is how far afield we’ve drifted with regard to what really matters. We’ve gotten very wrapped up in work, virtual lives, and more to the extreme detriment of our own well-being and the well-being of our planet.

How to Create All the Time You Want
One of the most frequent complaints I hear (and I’ve said myself) is about the lack of time to get everything done. That sense of time pressure seems to have greatly increased for many of us over the past several years.

Life Lessons Reiterated Walking in Deep Snow
We had about a foot of snowfall the other day, followed by another four inches the following day, with additional dustings here and there for good measure. Add that all up and those of us who are lacking on the vertical plane find ourselves up to our knees in the white stuff.

Expressing Your Truth When Others Disagree
This is about expressing the truth of who we are. But it seems, in current times, that we’ve lost much of our ability to not only express who we are, but to bear witness to whom others are, especially if they differ from us.

Notes from Your Dark Night of the Soul
The growth out of that Dark Night was phenomenal, such that I was actually looking forward to more Dark Nights (well…maybe not giddy with anticipation, but certainly more willing to face them!).

Transforming “What Ifs” from Anxiety-Provoking to Possibility-Making
I’ve watched people torture themselves with “what-ifs”. They pose dire questions to themselves about upsetting things, then get mired in the anxiety those questions have provoked.

It Takes A Village…
The crux of it was fear. Fear of becoming more visible to those I’m meant to serve, fear of criticism, fear of moving forward in life, fear of success, fear of failure…you name it, that fear was probably triggered for me yesterday.

Setting Goals 101
Do you have a veritable library of self-help books, yet continue to struggle with the same issues? Have you invested in expensive programs that promised to make a difference only to find yourself right back at square one?

Let Go of Worry and Focus on Your Mission
Thoughts of worry kept intruding about money. As we approach winter, business at the motel/retreat center has a natural cycle of declining visitors, thus lower revenue. Simultaneously, as the weather gets colder, the heating bills go up, along with the arrival of bills for snowplowing and the like.