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Help Your Goals and Dreams Come True!
Personal Growth Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Personal Growth Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

Help Your Goals and Dreams Come True!

I have a really cool tool I want to share with all of you today! This is a worksheet I use in my coaching and counseling sessions with people who are wanting to create a big shift in their lives, but don’t quite know what it will be like when that goal is accomplished.

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The Struggle with Time
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

The Struggle with Time

Ever notice how, when you are on your true path in life, you have enough time to get done what’s most important? And, have you also noticed that, when you’re not following your true path, time seems to be a very limited commodity?

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Joy of Self-Defeating Behavior
Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum Problems Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

Joy of Self-Defeating Behavior

Why is it we roll merrily along for a period of time, treating ourselves well, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, doing the right things in general only to slip into a bout of self-defeating behavior of gargantuan proportions?

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