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The Perfect Storm
We’re currently in the middle of a Perfect Storm, including a pandemic, an impending solar eclipse, The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the Winter Solstice approaches, a new moon approaching and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, to mention a few of the current happenings.

Cultivating Patience
I think one of the many lessons we’re learning right now is how far afield we’ve drifted with regard to what really matters. We’ve gotten very wrapped up in work, virtual lives, and more to the extreme detriment of our own well-being and the well-being of our planet.

Awesome Human Alert
Focus on what you DO want; not what you don’t want. With those words resounding in my head, I set off to come up with a way to use social media for good.

The Nuance of Surrender
Even the dictionary defines surrender as “giving up completely”, along with other definitions of the word. That’s not how I see surrender…at least now.

A Discussion on Faith
She’s made great strides on letting go of having to control every detail, but, on this particular day was needing some support and guidance to allow the unfolding. Below is her e-mail and my response. Hopefully there’s something in here that YOU need to remember today:

Law of Divine Compensation and Abundance
Having been raised in a blue collar family, some of the negative beliefs I soaked up that were limiting my abundance included:
“You have to work hard for everything you get”

Success With Serendipity!
I’ve experienced a flood of “serendipitous” events in my life and that has led to me thinking about how often serendipity shows up in our lives to let us now we’re heading the right direction. What is serendipity?

Making Tough Choices
Those times when things are not coming together are often the prelude to periods of incredible growth in our lives.

Gifts in Negative Events
Lately I’ve been thinking about unpleasant events that have occurred in my own life and in the lives of others and marveling at not only the human ability to choose how to view those events, but also the initially-hidden gifts many of those events reveal with time.

Synchronicity’s Message
Sometimes things align in ways that take my breath away and other times in ways that make me laugh out loud! I like to think of synchronicity as the Higher Good’s way of sending me (and you!) a message we need to hear.